Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Most Powerful Love

I had a very abrupt realization today.  It's kind of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.  

I was sick of cleaning up everyone's messes in my apartment, but I knew if I just did the kitchen without complaint, I would be happier.  As I was doing the dishes, something popped into my head.  Christ cleans up my messes.  Everyday.  Even when I don't thank Him enough for it.  He cleaned up everybody's messes.  He does everyday.  He suffered for each and every one of our mistakes, innumerable times.  Without complaint.  And most oftentimes, without a thank you.  He is there for me even when I make wrong decisions, or don't give Him as much time as I should be giving to Him.  

How selfish had I been for wanting something in return?
So selfish.  
So UnChristlike.  

Christ even asked His Father to forgive the people who nailed his hands and feet to the cross.  The ones who spit at Him with disgust.  Who relentlessly put Him under that excruciating pain.  He took it upon Himself to make sure they were forgiven for the pain they inflicted.
He didn't give it a second thought. 

Most times, as human beings, we expect that to forgive someone, we need lots and lots of time.  Time to be able to heal from the pain brought upon by somebody else.  When our Brother and Lord forgave those who were causing him so much pain, he was still in the midst of that pain.  
But He forgave them.  
Then and there.  
Without hesitation.  

I know that this is something that I should be working on with much more devotion; to be more Christlike.  He loves me unconditionally, so much that He took upon Himself my sins, mistakes, hardships, pains, trials, burdens, and afflictions.  
How powerful is that Love?  
I will take it upon myself to become like Him: the perfect example.  I challenge anyone reading this to do the same.  Living in this day and age makes it difficult to lose yourself in the service and love of your fellow beings, but I know with all my heart that it is what will bring true happiness. 
 After all, we owe it to the Lord, don't we?


Saturday, November 16, 2013

High Expectations

So many people say you shouldn't expect anything.  "Have low expectations to avoid disappointment."  Even William Shakespeare agreed: "Expectation is the root of all heartache."

I'm here to disagree.  

I'm not saying that you should have extremely high and unrealistic expectations, but why not have the highest expectations possible?  Without expectations, what would we do? 
 We would settle. 
 There is nothing worse than settling.  

Expect big things from yourself. 
Expect great things to come in your life.
Expect to be happy.

Robbing your life of expectation is the equivalent to robbing your life of hope.  

Aren't expectations what give us hope?  

Without expectation, we are without hope.  Without hope, we are without drive.  Without drive, we are without hard work.  Without hard work, we are without valuable results.  Without valuable results, we are without progression.  

So is it fair to say that without expectation, we are stagnant?  

Expectation brings about your hopes and dreams.  

I'm not saying that our expectations will never be shot down, or that our hopes and dreams will always be fulfilled in the way we want.  But when these dreams don't quite work out, when we fail, all that matters is that we get back up.  Try again.  Maybe fail again.
  That's life.  

Even though each expectation may not be fulfilled the way you had hoped, that's no reason to quit having them.  

I mean, it's probably a good thing that not all of our high expectations happen.  When I was little, I was convinced that one day I would be a famous singer and Disney Channel star.  (we can now thank the heavens that that didn't happen.)  

God has a funny way of showing us what our lives have in store for us, and sometimes, we come to that knowledge by failing.  And failing again.  And feeling disappointed.  But we must keep trying; we must keep high expectations a part of our lives.  

You have a chance to make this life incredible.  
Expect the best from yourself.    
Don't settle.



Saturday, November 2, 2013


This video I found is a definite MUST WATCH for EVERYONE.  Especially women and girls.  

As human beings, we tend to see ourselves more negatively than positively.  This really opened my eyes, and hopefully yours as well, to how often we sell ourselves short.  Why are we so hard on ourselves?  
Don't sell yourself short.
Don't be so hard on yourself.

You are a child of God.
Choose to see yourself through His eyes.



Wednesday, October 9, 2013

So Much To Live For

One of my best friends showed me this video a while back, and I came across it this last week.  
Please watch it, it's incredible. 

I'm going to keep this short and sweet; there is so much to live for.  Don't give up because you want to be noticed, or heard.  You are loved, and you make a difference.  
This world would be a different place without you.  Nobody can fill the role that you fill.  
There is so much to live for, and if you haven't found that to be true, find something worth living for.  This life is truly an amazing thing, and you only get to live it here on this earth one time.  
Make it count, find something to live for.
It doesn't matter how far you feel you have gone.  
There is never a point of no return. 
That's the beauty of this life; living.  

Always remember, you are loved.  



Friday, August 16, 2013

I've decided to start a new blog on my adventures in college life and beyond.  Feel free to check it out!  


Sunday, March 3, 2013

You're Not Alone

Lately, I've been feeling pretty alone.  Everybody feels alone or left out at one point or another in life.  It happens, but that doesn't make it any easier.  I've always had a testimony, and I know for a fact that the Savior will help us.  He is here for each and every one of us, all we have to do is reach out for Him.  When you feel like nobody is on your side, He is.  Always.  Your friends may turn their backs on you, you may lose loved ones who were once close to you.  Loneliness is one of the worst feelings, but the real beauty of this life is that we are never really alone.  Christ is right here.  You're not alone.  He will not leave you comfortless, all you must do is find Him.  He's there.  Jesus Christ experienced not only the sins and temptations of every single person to walk this earth, but also the trials and feelings of all of us.  He felt the pain of every heartbreak; the emptiness we've all felt in our hearts; he knows how it feels to have parents get a divorce; he knows how it feels to go through a divorce; he knows how it feels to lose a loved one physically and spiritually; he knows how it feels to feel invisible; he knows how it feels to be insecure about yourself.  He is the only one who really and truly knows how you feel.  He felt every single feeling of depression and hopelessness, individually.  He felt your feeling of sadness.  That particular feeling.  Last week when you didn't get the courage up to talk to that boy, and the regret felt afterwards; he felt that exact feeling.  When you feel that you have nobody to talk to or go to, go to Him.  He knows you; he knows your hopes and dreams.  He knows your biggest fears and hardest struggles.  He loves you.  He wants you to succeed.  He's your biggest fan, and will help you along the way if only you will ask. 
Keep that in mind this Easter season.

"One of the great consolations of this Easter season is that because Jesus walked such a long, lonely path utterly alone, we do not have to do so."



Tuesday, February 26, 2013


My mom said something a few weeks ago that really hit me.  I don't think she realizes how much it has impacted me, and I've been thinking about it nonstop.  Most people get so discouraged when they can't seem to find real happiness, but the thing is that we aren't going to find complete, eternal happiness and joy until after this life.  That's what she told me.  I don't think she means that we can't be happy in this life, because we can.  Everyone can.  I completely agree with her. Complete, eternal happiness and joy aren't going to come just yet; they will be the reward for you when you endure to the end, and be as happy as you can be while you're here on earth.  Don't' lose hope.  Happiness will come, but not for free.  It's impossible to just simply be happy.  You really have to work for it.  There are so many distractions here today to keep us from being happy.  We get so caught up in trying to find happiness through material thingsThen we get even more frustrated when the new outfit we wore didn't make us feel any better.  Having an eternal perspective on life can change so much.  Keeping that bright hope, that shining light in your eyes, that warm place in your heart, even when the world can seem so dark and cold, will bring about true happiness.  The kind of happiness that won't be dampened with the negativity of society.  Showing that you can keep that bright light and steady hope in this life, will make the true happiness and joy received later on, so worth it.  Always remember that.  Staying true to you, and keeping that hope inside of you will give you the happiness that this life has to offer.  Keep your chin up.  Just think of the happiness you have yet to experience, and be ready for it.  It will come.  Be there waiting with an open heart, and take in that pure joy when it comes.  It's coming.  Perhaps it's on it's way right now!  Maybe it just missed the bus stop and took a couple wrong turns, but that makes it that much more beautiful.   



  • Good For Great - Matt & Kim
  • Fader - The Temper Trap
  • Change - Churchill

Friday, February 8, 2013

That Feeling

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the ED SHEERAN concert in Salt Lake on Wednesday!!!  My very good friend was such a sweetheart and bought us tickets to go.  I probably sound crazy, but it was seriously one of the best experiences I've ever had.  I've honestly never seen someone with that much talent in person before, and I am so inspired.  I'm actually still in denial that it's over.  There's just something about being in that setting, the only thing that matters is the music, and how it touches your heart and your soul if you let it.  Taking it all in.  I frequently found myself just standing there, eyes closed, hands clasped together, body swaying, letting that feeling sink deep inside.  Incredible is a complete understatement for how I felt.  It was so refreshing for me to hear and see himSomeone with REAL talent.  REAL passionAND.... obviously his super attractive accent and messy hair contributed to the refreshing of my soul...(; But really.  It inspired me to not take any moment for granted.  Although it obviously helps to be in a setting like that, you really don't have to be at an amazing concert, or across the world in a foreign country to really feel that feeling.  That feeling of beauty, of sanity and insanity all at once How perfectly imperfect everything is.  Take it all in.  All of it.  Sick of the snow?  How incredible is it that it's scientifically possible for frozen water molecules to stick together and fall from the sky like magic? How everything can be so certainly uncertain, unbeautifully beautiful.  Embrace the flawsBreathe in that cold winter air, and feel it.  Don't just feel it.  Really feel itTake every moment for what it's worth; it's priceless.  How fascinating is it, that every single individual in the world, every single one, keeps life moving.  Every one has a different life to live, but at the same time, it all comes together.  With one less person here, things change.  Everybody makes a difference just by breathing.  By having a beating heart in their chest.  Don't take that for granted.  Take it in.  

I love it that some people are kind enough to put their high quality videos on YouTube.  Now you can all at least somewhat understand what I'm talking about.  

Absolutely unreal. 


Medicine for my soul..

  • Autumn Leaves -  Ed Sheeran
  • Lego House - Ed Sheeran
  • Small Bump - Ed Sheeran          #sorrynotsorry   

Monday, February 4, 2013

Clean Your Window

This video is a little bit cheesy, but hits the nail right on the head.  


I know all of us have our own "dirty windows" that could use some cleaning.  Most of us make these mistakes every day.  Just because someone has sins or makes mistakes that you don't particularly have a hard time with doesn't mean that you are better than them.  We all have our own temptations and weaknesses that we struggle with, and let's face it, every single one of us messes up every day.  Instead of judging others based on their sins and mistakes, try to fix your own.  As Dieter F. Uchtdorf once said, "Don't judge me because I sin differently from you." 


The Savior teaches us in this simple story, that none of us on this earth are worthy to judge anybody else, no matter who it may be, for their sins or mistakes.  "He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone."  None of us are without sin.  How often do we find ourselves doing this very thing.  Obviously not literally calling people out on it all the time, but in our thoughts.  It is so easy to judge others and look down on them because of their problems, but we all need to remember that we all have things to fix.  Ghandi once said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."  Instead of criticizing others for what they are doing wrong, we need to change ourselves for the better, and in turn, we will see the world as a more beautiful place.  

Don't set out to change the world, set out to change yourself; the rest will fall into place.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."  -Romans 12:2


In these past two years, I have come to a very crucial realization.  I don't want to fit in.  People always say that junior high and high school are so hard, because it's so difficult to fit in to the crowd.  I disagree.  To me, fitting in with the crowd would be worse than standing outWhat's so great about being just like everyone else?  

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible."  -Frank Zappa
Nobody ever got anywhere great by simply going with the flow; by going with the flow and following the crowd, you're going to go where the crowd goes.  No where special.  Everyone has been there.   There's really nothing spectacular about that.  To deviate from the norm, or to stand out, one does not have to wear outrageous clothes, dye their hair bright blue, talk loudly, be the class clown.  Deviation is the absence of conformity, the presence of the desires in one's heart.   Deviation is being more than average.  Average people see the world as an average place.  Choose to deviate and see the world as an amazing and beautiful place full of beautiful people, and even more beautiful opportunities.  The student who puts the average amount of work into their studies is going to get an average score.  The basketball player that puts in the average amount of average practice is going to be an average player.  Nothing too special.  If you really want to progress, you must go far beyond what is expected, and what is average.  "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got."  Put your heart into something.  If you don't love something enough to put your heart into it, find that one thing you love.  Find the thing that is worth it to you to put all your heart and desire into.  Be great! Why settle for anything less?  You are a child of God, and He did not create you to fit in with the crowd, but to stand up for what you believe.  To be what you believe in.  There are enough people in this world who go with the flow, who try not to stand out.  To reach our full potential, we must not conform, we must deviateBe who you were made to be, not what the world tells you to be. Be happy on a Monday, maybe even be EXCITED for a Monday.  Keep a bright faith and hope when it would be understandable if you broke down.  Smile at people.  Be okay with that zit on your forehead.  Make a new friend.  Hang out with your family on a weekend instead of going to a party.  Laugh at yourself for totally making a fool of yourself in front of that super cute guy.  Actually read the book assignment for your English class.  Take risks.  Raise your voice.  Shine bright like a diamond.  (Sorry I just had to throw that in there for Rihanna (:)  But really!  Be you.  
  Life is too short to go with the flow.  Stand out in your own way, deviate. 


 Tunes for the soul...

  • Come Around - Rosi Golan
  • Lovely - Sara Haze
  • New Soul - Yael Naim
  • Lay Me Down - The Wreckers




Wednesday, January 23, 2013

quick to love, slow to judge

Every one of us (including me) is guilty of wrongly judging someone before we take the opportunity to get to know them.  Life can get pretty rough, and nobody goes through it without getting hurt.  You all know exactly what I'm talking about.  You've had someone completely rip your heart out and stomp on it a few times.  Someone you thought you could trust turned their back on you.  You have lost a loved one, either physically or emotionally.  You've tried and miserably failed at something.  The list could go on, and all in all, it doesn't matter what has hurt you, it's the fact that it has hurt you.  Every single one of us has been hurt and had struggles.  Since all of us have had trials, why is it so hard for us to give each other a break?     Really though, I'm curious.  I'm a strong believer that there is good in everyone.  I know there is.  Deep down, naturally, we all want to help each other along the way, yet the temptation of gossip and the reminder of our own insecurities don't quite allow us to love instead of judge.  If you are already down on yourself, it is so much easier to be down on others.  The reverse of this is also true.  Being happy with yourself leads to being happy with others.  We're all trying to reach happiness in this life, so why not help each other along the way?  Helping other people is really what makes us happy anyways, so why not take advantage of the opportunity?  Every single person in this world has something to offer.  You have something to offer; to give to someone in need.  I promise that if you turn your focus and attention outward to other people, you will be truly happy.  Don't focus on what others aren't giving you, instead realize everything you have that you could be giving to others.  Even if it's just a small smile to someone you don't even know, a small act of kindness can go a long way.  Sometimes all somebody needs is a quick smile, or a random "hello" from someone they don't know It's not our place to put anybody else in theirs.  Instead, try to see life through someone else's perspective, and give them the benefit of the doubt.  

The road to true happiness is serving others, and while serving others, we grow to love them; and in turn, love ourselves. 
Be quick to love, and slow to judge.    


Medicine for the ears..and the heart

  • May Be - Yiruma (I'm currently learning this one)
  • Folding Chair - Regina Spektor
  • Yellow - Coldplay
  • Settle Down - Kimbra   
  • All That You Are - The Goo Goo Dolls