Saturday, November 16, 2013

High Expectations

So many people say you shouldn't expect anything.  "Have low expectations to avoid disappointment."  Even William Shakespeare agreed: "Expectation is the root of all heartache."

I'm here to disagree.  

I'm not saying that you should have extremely high and unrealistic expectations, but why not have the highest expectations possible?  Without expectations, what would we do? 
 We would settle. 
 There is nothing worse than settling.  

Expect big things from yourself. 
Expect great things to come in your life.
Expect to be happy.

Robbing your life of expectation is the equivalent to robbing your life of hope.  

Aren't expectations what give us hope?  

Without expectation, we are without hope.  Without hope, we are without drive.  Without drive, we are without hard work.  Without hard work, we are without valuable results.  Without valuable results, we are without progression.  

So is it fair to say that without expectation, we are stagnant?  

Expectation brings about your hopes and dreams.  

I'm not saying that our expectations will never be shot down, or that our hopes and dreams will always be fulfilled in the way we want.  But when these dreams don't quite work out, when we fail, all that matters is that we get back up.  Try again.  Maybe fail again.
  That's life.  

Even though each expectation may not be fulfilled the way you had hoped, that's no reason to quit having them.  

I mean, it's probably a good thing that not all of our high expectations happen.  When I was little, I was convinced that one day I would be a famous singer and Disney Channel star.  (we can now thank the heavens that that didn't happen.)  

God has a funny way of showing us what our lives have in store for us, and sometimes, we come to that knowledge by failing.  And failing again.  And feeling disappointed.  But we must keep trying; we must keep high expectations a part of our lives.  

You have a chance to make this life incredible.  
Expect the best from yourself.    
Don't settle.



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