Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Most Powerful Love

I had a very abrupt realization today.  It's kind of hard to explain, but I'll do my best.  

I was sick of cleaning up everyone's messes in my apartment, but I knew if I just did the kitchen without complaint, I would be happier.  As I was doing the dishes, something popped into my head.  Christ cleans up my messes.  Everyday.  Even when I don't thank Him enough for it.  He cleaned up everybody's messes.  He does everyday.  He suffered for each and every one of our mistakes, innumerable times.  Without complaint.  And most oftentimes, without a thank you.  He is there for me even when I make wrong decisions, or don't give Him as much time as I should be giving to Him.  

How selfish had I been for wanting something in return?
So selfish.  
So UnChristlike.  

Christ even asked His Father to forgive the people who nailed his hands and feet to the cross.  The ones who spit at Him with disgust.  Who relentlessly put Him under that excruciating pain.  He took it upon Himself to make sure they were forgiven for the pain they inflicted.
He didn't give it a second thought. 

Most times, as human beings, we expect that to forgive someone, we need lots and lots of time.  Time to be able to heal from the pain brought upon by somebody else.  When our Brother and Lord forgave those who were causing him so much pain, he was still in the midst of that pain.  
But He forgave them.  
Then and there.  
Without hesitation.  

I know that this is something that I should be working on with much more devotion; to be more Christlike.  He loves me unconditionally, so much that He took upon Himself my sins, mistakes, hardships, pains, trials, burdens, and afflictions.  
How powerful is that Love?  
I will take it upon myself to become like Him: the perfect example.  I challenge anyone reading this to do the same.  Living in this day and age makes it difficult to lose yourself in the service and love of your fellow beings, but I know with all my heart that it is what will bring true happiness. 
 After all, we owe it to the Lord, don't we?


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