Wednesday, January 23, 2013

quick to love, slow to judge

Every one of us (including me) is guilty of wrongly judging someone before we take the opportunity to get to know them.  Life can get pretty rough, and nobody goes through it without getting hurt.  You all know exactly what I'm talking about.  You've had someone completely rip your heart out and stomp on it a few times.  Someone you thought you could trust turned their back on you.  You have lost a loved one, either physically or emotionally.  You've tried and miserably failed at something.  The list could go on, and all in all, it doesn't matter what has hurt you, it's the fact that it has hurt you.  Every single one of us has been hurt and had struggles.  Since all of us have had trials, why is it so hard for us to give each other a break?     Really though, I'm curious.  I'm a strong believer that there is good in everyone.  I know there is.  Deep down, naturally, we all want to help each other along the way, yet the temptation of gossip and the reminder of our own insecurities don't quite allow us to love instead of judge.  If you are already down on yourself, it is so much easier to be down on others.  The reverse of this is also true.  Being happy with yourself leads to being happy with others.  We're all trying to reach happiness in this life, so why not help each other along the way?  Helping other people is really what makes us happy anyways, so why not take advantage of the opportunity?  Every single person in this world has something to offer.  You have something to offer; to give to someone in need.  I promise that if you turn your focus and attention outward to other people, you will be truly happy.  Don't focus on what others aren't giving you, instead realize everything you have that you could be giving to others.  Even if it's just a small smile to someone you don't even know, a small act of kindness can go a long way.  Sometimes all somebody needs is a quick smile, or a random "hello" from someone they don't know It's not our place to put anybody else in theirs.  Instead, try to see life through someone else's perspective, and give them the benefit of the doubt.  

The road to true happiness is serving others, and while serving others, we grow to love them; and in turn, love ourselves. 
Be quick to love, and slow to judge.    


Medicine for the ears..and the heart

  • May Be - Yiruma (I'm currently learning this one)
  • Folding Chair - Regina Spektor
  • Yellow - Coldplay
  • Settle Down - Kimbra   
  • All That You Are - The Goo Goo Dolls 

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