Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Shades of Green

Everybody has heard the quote, "The grass is always greener on the other side."  I'm here to tell you all that it's really not.  The grass only appears to be greener, because we tend to compare our weaknesses or struggles with someone else's strengths.  
I'm convinced that no grass is greener on any side; it's just that they're all a different shade of greenWe all have weaknesses, flaws, and struggles in life; and that's what we naturally tend to focus on.  We focus on our weaknesses and compare them to other's strengths.  Most of the time, we don't know much about the people's lives that we're comparing ourselves and our own situations toTheir strengths and our weaknesses are magnified in our own eyes.  If only we could focus on what we're good at, what we like about ourselves; not in an envious way, but in a more confident way.  It would be amazing if everyone could be comfortable and confident in their own skin.  


The grasses of life are just different shades of green. 

It's natural for all of us to try to hide our weaknesses to make them less obvious to everyone else than they are to ourselves.   Everybody does it.  If everyone does it, then it's pretty safe to say that the people that seem so perfect--the ones who are good at everything and have a perfect home and family life, they have tons of friends, they get good grades, they're gorgeous.. the list could go on and on--are hiding their own weaknesses just like you.  You may think the grass is greener and that they have it so much better, but they don't.  They just have it different than you, which is a different shade of green.  Some people's grass is a more yellowish green, and some are a very rich green, but all in all, it's still green and it's still grass.  We all have a life (grass), and you are the only one who can control how your life goes and grows.  Nobody else is to blame for your unhappiness in life.  Always remember that we all have different lives for a reason, and we are all given struggles; everybody-no matter who you are.  Some trials may seem worse than others, and they may very well be.  But in the end, once you have learned your life lessons, I can almost guarantee that you wouldn't want you life to be any other way. 

It's a new year, a perfect time to start fresh!  Go out and be who you want to be, the only person stopping you is yourself. 
Keep your chin up, be happy, live.  


Good listenin's

  • The Girl - City and Colour
  • Little Bird - Ed Sheeran
  • Wings - Macklemore
  • Run - Snow Patrol     

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