Wednesday, October 9, 2013

So Much To Live For

One of my best friends showed me this video a while back, and I came across it this last week.  
Please watch it, it's incredible. 

I'm going to keep this short and sweet; there is so much to live for.  Don't give up because you want to be noticed, or heard.  You are loved, and you make a difference.  
This world would be a different place without you.  Nobody can fill the role that you fill.  
There is so much to live for, and if you haven't found that to be true, find something worth living for.  This life is truly an amazing thing, and you only get to live it here on this earth one time.  
Make it count, find something to live for.
It doesn't matter how far you feel you have gone.  
There is never a point of no return. 
That's the beauty of this life; living.  

Always remember, you are loved.  



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