"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." -Romans 12:2
In these past two years, I have come to a very crucial realization. I don't want to fit in. People always say that junior high and high school are so hard, because it's so difficult to fit in to the crowd. I disagree. To me, fitting in with the crowd would be worse than standing out. What's so great about being just like everyone else?
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." -Frank Zappa
Nobody ever got anywhere great by simply going with the flow; by going with the flow and following the crowd, you're going to go where the crowd goes. No where special. Everyone has been there. There's really nothing spectacular about that. To deviate from the norm, or to stand out, one does not have to wear outrageous clothes, dye their hair bright blue, talk loudly, be the class clown. Deviation is the absence of conformity, the presence of the desires in one's heart. Deviation is being more than average. Average people see the world as an average place. Choose to deviate and see the world as an amazing and beautiful place full of beautiful people, and even more beautiful opportunities. The student who puts the average amount of work into their studies is going to get an average score. The basketball player that puts in the average amount of average practice is going to be an average player. Nothing too special. If you really want to progress, you must go far beyond what is expected, and what is average. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Put your heart into something. If you don't love something enough to put your heart into it, find that one thing you love. Find the thing that is worth it to you to put all your heart and desire into. Be great! Why settle for anything less? You are a child of God, and He did not create you to fit in with the crowd, but to stand up for what you believe. To be what you believe in. There are enough people in this world who go with the flow, who try not to stand out. To reach our full potential, we must not conform, we must deviate. Be who you were made to be, not what the world tells you to be. Be happy on a Monday, maybe even be EXCITED for a Monday. Keep a bright faith and hope when it would be understandable if you broke down. Smile at people. Be okay with that zit on your forehead. Make a new friend. Hang out with your family on a weekend instead of going to a party. Laugh at yourself for totally making a fool of yourself in front of that super cute guy. Actually read the book assignment for your English class. Take risks. Raise your voice. Shine bright like a diamond. (Sorry I just had to throw that in there for Rihanna (:) But really! Be you.
Life is too short to go with the flow. Stand out in your own way, deviate.
Tunes for the soul...
- Come Around - Rosi Golan
- Lovely - Sara Haze
- New Soul - Yael Naim
- Lay Me Down - The Wreckers