Friday, July 6, 2012


Lately, there have been quite a few fires here in Utah.  It's been so dry and the fires are spreading like..well..wildfire.  Everyday on the news, I would see updates on fires that had been going on, as well as new fires that started up.  The crazy thing to me, is that they believe most of these fires are started by people!  Seriously? It just confuses me.  I don't understand how some people can be so careless.  I know they were probably accidents, but still.  So many people had to evacuate their homes, and so many lost all their possessions and homes in the fires.  I can't imagine how horrible that would feel.  It just goes to show how blessed we really are.  

All over Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, I have seen so many posts about how we all need to pray for rain.  I'm pretty positive that almost everyone did.  I know I did.  Early on July 5th, the rain came down!  It came down in Spanish Fork for quite a while, and as I was driving in the car with my mom and sister, I got goosebumps just thinking about how Heavenly Father always answers our prayers in one way or another.  Even though it took some time for the rain to come, it came.  The fires are still going, but I feel like it slowed them down, and gave us all hope.  Everyone keep praying for the families who have lost loved ones and homes in the fires.  We truly are blessed. 

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