Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Shel Silverstein is one of my all time favorite poets!  My two favorites are The Giving Tree, and Masks.  I decided to write down MY(meaning what I THINK.  You might not agree. (: That's fine! ) interpretation on Masks.  (I love finding meaning in EVERYTHING. Especially music and poems.  I think people under appreciate poetry so much.  I think it's absolutely beautiful.)  ANYWAYS... here is the poem!  


She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.

 I've read this SO many times and I love it more every time!  It's crazy to me how often this must happen in everyday life!  Think of all the people we miss out on meeting, or the experiences we might miss, if we keep our true selves hidden from the rest of the world.  I wonder how many times this has happened to me; how often I miss out on something that could have changed my life! 

The blue skin in the poem could represent someone's hobby, or something they really have a passion for, that might not be the "social norm".  It could honestly be anything you want it to be!  The line, They searched for blue their whole life through, is kind of ironic to me.  How could they expect to find "blue" when they are hiding it themselves.  If you really enjoy rock collecting, you're probably not going to know if someone enjoys it, too, unless you ask them about it.  You never know how alike you are to a person, unless you let your true self shine!  Don't hide your talents or your passions.  Even if what you are passionate about is kind of somewhat embarrassing! Don't worry about it!  Everyone is amazing.  We're all different, but that's what makes the world go round.  Living would be pretty boring if every single person liked the exact same things, and dressed the exact same way, said the exact same words, did the exact same things... I'm getting bored just TYPING it!  Just remember to always be yourself.  You never know what blessings and experiences it will bring.
Love yourself.  

Much love,
  Brookelle  <3


  • When I'm With You- JJ Heller
  • Ho Hey- The Lumineers (My 3 year old sister sings it to me all the time.)
  • Ballad of Love and Hate- The Avett Brothers (I'm going to be doing an interpretation on this song in a later post! STAY TUNED!)
  • Eyes Wide Open- Gotye
  • Fire- Augustana
  • Each Coming Night- Iron And Wine


  1. I just wanted you to know I enjoyed reading your post. My classes (I am a middle school art teacher) are in the process of creating blogs. We are also on the verge of creating plaster I was searching for some literature/poems about masks, I came across your beautiful little blog post. I hope you don't mind if I share it with my students? It connects so nicely to what we are doing in class! Thank you and keep up the good work.
