Lately, I've been feeling pretty alone. Everybody feels alone or left out at one point or another in life. It happens, but that doesn't make it any easier. I've always had a testimony, and I know for a fact that the Savior will help us. He is here for each and every one of us, all we have to do is reach out for Him. When you feel like nobody is on your side, He is. Always. Your friends may turn their backs on you, you may lose loved ones who were once close to you. Loneliness is one of the worst feelings, but the real beauty of this life is that we are never really alone. Christ is right here. You're not alone. He will not leave you comfortless, all you must do is find Him. He's there. Jesus Christ experienced not only the sins and temptations of every single person to walk this earth, but also the trials and feelings of all of us. He felt the pain of every heartbreak; the emptiness we've all felt in our hearts; he knows how it feels to have parents get a divorce; he knows how it feels to go through a divorce; he knows how it feels to lose a loved one physically and spiritually; he knows how it feels to feel invisible; he knows how it feels to be insecure about yourself. He is the only one who really and truly knows how you feel. He felt every single feeling of depression and hopelessness, individually. He felt your feeling of sadness. That particular feeling. Last week when you didn't get the courage up to talk to that boy, and the regret felt afterwards; he felt that exact feeling. When you feel that you have nobody to talk to or go to, go to Him. He knows you; he knows your hopes and dreams. He knows your biggest fears and hardest struggles. He loves you. He wants you to succeed. He's your biggest fan, and will help you along the way if only you will ask.
Keep that in mind this Easter season.
Thanks Brooke! It was a great Family Home Evening for Grandpa and I. We love you.