Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Too Cool For School? Not Likely.

School started today!!!  For some of you that's good, and for some, it's torture.  To be quite honest with y'all, I loved it today!  Partly because we didn't have to do any real work in classes and all, but mostly because I'M A SENIOR!  I also got to see all my friends that I didn't see all Summer long.  It really was great.  I mean I was pretty busy until the end of July, then I did nothing with my life.  It was good to see people, and actually get ready for once in my life..(:  
Before school started though, I was super bitter about it.  I mean, some of my best friends graduated last year, and I didn't want to make new friends.   I got to school, and seriously, like I recognized maybe 5 people in the first 5 minutes.  There were so many new little Squashmores!!!  It was crazy!  I went to my classes, and there weren't really any of my friends that I usually talk to in hardly any of them.  That forced me to get out of my comfort zone and talk to more people!  I met some pretty cool kids, and I even get to be in my most favorite Seminary teacher's class!!!  His name is Brother Sharp, and he was my first Seminary teacher when I was in 9th grade.  I think it was fate or something, because when I went to see who my teacher was, I wasn't on any of the lists.  So he asked the lady at the front desk if I could just be in his class and she said yes!  Definitely a highlight of my day.  
Even though some of my classes are going to be really hard..I'm thinkin this year will be a good one! 
Now I'm going to go on a nice little bike ride before it gets too dark outside!  Goodnight loves! (:



  • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together- Taylor Swift #sorrynotsorry
  •  Helena Beat- Foster The People

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