- I love music. I love making music and listening to it! I play the piano and I like to sing, although I'm not even that great at it! When I say I love music, I don't mean that overplayed junk you hear every time you turn on the radio, I'm talking about real music..the classics. Like the Beatles, and Elvis! Nobody will ever come close to how amazing they were! I love Mumford & Sons, Regina Spektor, Avett Brothers (which I was just barely introduced to(: ) Anyways I love music!
- I really really really want a kitty. I just want something to be mine to take care of, and to cuddle with..and they are just so dang adorable!
- I remember the most random things! You know that one weirdo person that you have no idea who they are? And they always start talking to you about things that apparently happened 12 years ago that you don't remember? Yeah...that's me.
- I secretly wish i was a math geek. I wish I was that one kid in class that gets 105% on every test and basically teaches the teacher...but alas..I settle for a B-...I think I'll stick with english.
- I could probably eat noodles with parmesan cheese for every meal. You think I'm kidding? Ask my mom..
- I believe that holidays are way too commercial these days. I mean Easter was yesterday, right? And I get on twitter and facebook, and all I see are tweets and posts about how they love Easter because they get to eat the peeps and cadbury eggs and reeses peanut butter eggs that the Easter Bunny brought them! I bet that was just so fulfilling. Having a day to celebrate chocolate eggs and marshmallows covered in sugar. The same thing goes for Christmas! Yeah everyone loves presents, obviously, but let's not forget the real reasons for these holidays: Jesus Christ.
- Rain is my favorite thing. When everyone is sad about how the clouds are out and the sky is grey, I'm lovin it! It doesn't make me sad or depressed. If I could, I would make it rain every day. I could walk in the rain for hours. I think it's peaceful.
- I love glasses. My real glasses, and my sunglasses. I feel like they kind of define me a little bit. They show I'm not the same as everyone else. (Also..contacts just freak me out.) (:
- My ambition is to become an elementary school teacher. Ever since I was in elementary school, I've dreamed of what my future classroom would look like, and how I would be as a teacher.
- My older sister, Britney, is my best friend. Ever since we were little, we would fight like crazy, but we were still best friends. Even when I was the annoying little sister bugging her and her friends, she would stand up for me. I remember a time when I was following them around, and I could tell my sister was bugged. Her friend said something like how annoying I was, and my sister stood up for me. Although Brit has probably forgotten about that moment, I will always remember it. (refer back to #3) And I'll always be here for her, like she's here for me.
- I love the temple. My favorite temple is the Logan temple. They are all so beautiful and I can't wait to be sealed to my future husband. (:
- I make collages. Sometimes I stay up all night putting them together. I love pictures, quotes, anything like that.
- I'm real. I know what you're thinking right now, of course you're a real person. Yes I am real in that way, but I'm also real as in..not fake. I don't try to please everyone, because I've learned that it's simply impossible to do so. And sometimes, it's better to make yourself and God happy with you than to try to make everyone else happy with you. When I hear people talk bad about a certain person, and then 20 minutes later they are acting like their best friend, it really bugs me. I try my very hardest to be real and genuine.
- I think about my future all the time. My future husband, my future home, my future family. I just cannot wait to be with my eternal companion and be sealed in the temple. I want a family and i want to be a mom. I'm going to be a cool mom, too. Just like my mom has been with me. (:
- I can't wait until college. I want to be on my own, and meeting new people. I love a good adventure and that would be perfect for me.
- I love babies and little kids. Believe it or not, when we have family dinners at my grandma's house on Sundays, I'd rather sit with the kids than with the adults..and i usually do. (: Children are just so innocent, and they don't have to be updated on the latest gossip. They take you for who you are and love you.
- I believe in Christ. Yes, I am a Latter Day Saint, and yes, we are Christians. Just read the Book of Mormon. (:
If It's The Beaches- Avett Brothers
Rain <3
My sisters (:
Logan Temple
I believe in Christ.
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