Monday, October 22, 2012

There is Hope

I couldn't sleep last night because I couldn't (still can't) stop worrying about people.  It's so hard for me to see others go through hard times.  All I want to do is wrap my arms around them and tell them everything is going to be ok.  I wish everyone knew that we're not alone.  Even when who you thought were your friends abandon you, when you feel that nobody cares, and that you have to face this world alone, you don't.  You're not alone.  How amazing it is that there is One that can save us all.  He is our rescuer.  Jesus Christ.  All he wants to do is help you; to wrap you in His arms and tell you everything will be ok.  That He loves you.  All you have to do is ask.  Get on your knees and ask Him to help you.  It doesn't matter what it is that you're struggling with, if you care about it, so does He.  You don't have to be the super religious church going type, He loves you no matter what.  There is nothing you have done that can stop Him from loving you.  He is the only one who really knows how you feel.  He loves you. 
As I said before, I couldn't sleep last night, so I got my journal out, put my headphones in, and just started writing.
This is what came of it..hopefully it makes sense.  

In your weakest hour
When you feel you're about to break,
Like nothing can keep you out
Of the darkness of the water.
So deep.
How it seems to engulf any trace of light.
He is there. Just look up.
He's been watching you go through
This journey of a seemingly merciless life.
Nothing could chase Him away.
Not the blackness in your heart,
Not the numbness of your soul.

Hand it all over to Him. 
Every last bit. 
He will take it and heal you.
Heal your scars that seem untouchable, unchangeable.
He comforts the weary,
Touches the untouchable. 
Dries the tears of the broken hearted
Calms the untamable inside us all. 
He feels for us, 
Because of His love so great. 
Not even the darkness of the deep seas, 
Not the overpowering blackness of the fog
That appears to capture all in its path 
Can stop the love He has for us.
A power so strong. 
A love so full that can endure all. 
So wide, yet so narrow. for all, but for one; you.
There are no boundaries, no chains.
It warms the cold heart, 
Stays faithful to the unfaithful, 
Never abandons, Always selfless. 
For all of us; 
For you. 

I seriously do believe that we can all take our troubles to the Savior, and He will help us.  Please don't give up.  People really do love you, and if you feel like you're completely alone, remember you're not.  He is only a silent prayer away. 
You're amazing.  
 Please watch. (:


  • Your Hand In Mine- Explosions In The Sky   

Monday, October 8, 2012

just livin the life

HOLY COW IT'S BEEN A WHILE. I've been so busy this past month that I haven't had time to keep up on my blog!  This past month I've done so many fun things.  September went by so fast it was ridiculous! 

Me and my friends got to model dresses for Alyse's Bridal!  Let's just say..I'm not meant to be a was so much fun though! (:  

I had a birthday!  YEP!  The big 18.  I know what you're all thinking, I can buy dry ice now!  Woo.. ha I have some amazing friends!  Me and one of my best friends Rachel went on a hike and looked at all the leaves!  It was so beautiful!  Some of my best friends came over for cake and ice cream!  Then that weekend my BFF Jills took me out to eat!  They're such gems.  

It was also my sister, Britney's birthday this month!  She is such an amazing best friend and sister, and I look up to her so much.  She honestly is always there for me even though she lives across the country.  Love you Seester! (: 

My daddy's birthday was this month as well!  He's such an amazing man and he works so hard.  I look up to him in so many ways and I love him so much!

I went to homecoming with the coolest kid ever, Jared Kotter!  We had some super cute shoes, as you can tell!  It was one of the best dates I've ever been on!  We totes had the best dance moves there.  NBD.  

I asked a fine young gent to a dance at our school called Masquerade!  It's a Halloween dance and I'm super stoked!  

Me and this little guy got to spend a whole weekend together!... I named him Alejandro..his real name was Juan, but I decided that was too generic.  So Alejandro it is!  He wasn't too bad during the day..but during the night.. that's another story!  I totes memorized what each cry meant, so I guess you could say I became a pro.  Would I do it again?  No.  

As you can tell, I had a pretty good month of September!  Bring on October!  




  • The A Team- Birdy
  • Dead Sea- The Lumineers
  • Awake My Soul- Mumford & Sons
  • We Come Running- Youngblood Hawke